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Global communication (reductions)

DIY supports general reductions to implement complex global operations over blocks. These reductions are general-purpose (any global communication pattern can be implemented); they operate over blocks, which cycle in and out-of-core as necessary; the operations are (multi-)threaded automatically using the same mechanism as foreach().

All the reductions included in DIY operate in rounds over a k-ary reduction tree. The value of k used in each round can vary, but if it's fixed, the number of rounds is log_k(nblocks). In each round of the reduction tree, the distance between blocks (in terms of their block global ID or gid) either increases (so-called "distance-doubling") or decreases (so-called "distance-halving"). This is controlled by the contiguous argument, which defaults to true (distance-doubling). Only blocks decomposed by a diy::RegularDecomposer (i.e., blocks arranged in a regular block grid) can be reduced this way. The decomposer object is one of the arguments to the reduction.

The following patterns are currently available. With the exception of all_to_all, the other patterns all feature a call to diy::reduce, passing a derived class of diy::RegularPartners to differentiate between the different patterns. The callback function passed to diy::reduce is similar to the callback function used with diy::Master:foreach described in the Callbacks page. The callback function is called by DIY in each round of the reduction tree. Each time, the communication proxy (ReduceProxy) acts similarly as in foreach: the proxy contains the neighboring blocks that form a communicating group for the current round. Unlike foreach, this group changes from one round to the next in a reduction. In addition to a pointer to the block and the communication proxy, the callback is given the partners class, which can provide additional information. The user needs to write the body of the callback function, which typically dequeues received messages from the previous round, performs some local computation, and enqeues messages for the next round.


A merge-reduce accumulates information in successively fewer blocks with each round. Each round, one block in a communicating group (ReduceProxy) takes ownership of the merged result and continues to the next round, while the other blocks in the group idle in the following rounds. In the final round, one block, the root of the reduction tree, has all of the data.

void foo(Block* b,                                  // local block
         const diy::ReduceProxy& rp,                // communication proxy
         const diy::RegularMergePartners&)          // partners of the current block
    // dequeue and merge
    for (int i = 0; i < rp.in_link().size(); ++i)
        int nbr_gid = rp.in_link().target(i).gid;
        std::vector<int>    in_vals;
        rp.dequeue(nbr_gid, in_vals);

        // merge with current block data, e.g., accumulate sum
        for (size_t j = 0; j < in_vals.size(); ++j)
            (b->data)[j] += in_vals[j];

    // step 2: enqueue
    for (int i = 0; i < rp.out_link().size(); ++i)    // redundant since out_link size = 1 for merge-reduce
        rp.enqueue(rp.out_link().target(i), b->data);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int k = 2;                                       // the radix of the k-ary reduction tree

    // partners for merge over regular block grid
    diy::RegularMergePartners  partners(decomposer,  // diy::Decomposer object
                                        k,           // radix of k-ary reduction (default 2)
                                        contiguous); // contiguous = true: distance doubling (default true)
                                                     // contiguous = false: distance halving

    // reduction
    diy::reduce(master,                              // diy::Master object
                assigner,                            // diy::Assigner object
                partners,                            // diy::RegularMergePartners object
                &foo);                               // merge operator callback function

see the example here


A broadcast is implemented as a merge-reduce in reverse order. Starting with one block, each round features more blocks participating in the communication. The usage is similar to merge-reduce, with the partners object now being `diy::RegularBroadcastPartners'.

void foo(Block* b,                                      // local block
         const diy::ReduceProxy& rp,                    // communication proxy
         const diy::RegularBroadcastPartners&);         // partners of the current block

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // partners for broadcast over regular block grid
    diy::RegularBroadcastPartners partners(decomposer,  // diy::Decomposer object
                                           k,           // radix of k-ary reduction (default 2)
                                           contiguous); // contiguous = true: distance doubling (default true)
                                                        // contiguous = false: distance halving

    // reduction
    diy::reduce(master,                                 // diy::Master object
                assigner,                               // diy::Assigner object
                partners,                               // diy::RegularBroadcastPartners object
                &foo);                                  // broadcast operator callback function


Unlike a merge-reduce, the idea of a swap-reduce is to keep all blocks busy in all rounds. Typically data are split and swapped among the neighboring blocks in each round, but the actual operations performed are up to the user to write in the callback function. DIY's role in the swap-reduce is to provide different neighbors in each round to the callback function, and to keep all blocks participating in all rounds. The usage is similar to the the prior examples, with diy::RegularSwapPartners being used for the partners object.

void foo(Block* b,                                  // local block
         const diy::ReduceProxy& rp,                // communication proxy
         const diy::RegularSwapPartners&);          // partners of the current block

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // partners for swap over regular block grid
    diy::RegularSwapPartners   partners(decomposer,  // diy::Decomposer object
                                        k,           // radix of k-ary reduction (default 2)
                                        contiguous); // contiguous = true: distance doubling (default true)
                                                     // contiguous = false: distance halving

    // reduction
    diy::reduce(master,                              // diy::Master object
                assigner,                            // diy::Assigner object
                partners,                            // diy::RegularSwapPartners object
                &foo);                               // swap operator callback function

see the example here


An all-reduce is a merge-reduce followed by a broadcast of the result from the root block to all of the blocks, so that all blocks have the same result. The same usage follows from the previous examples, only changing the partners object. Usage is similar to the previous examples, with the partners class now being diy::RegularAllReducePartners.

void foo(Block* b,                                      // local block
         const diy::ReduceProxy& rp,                    // communication proxy
         const diy::RegularAllReducePartners&);         // partners of the current block

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // partners for all-reduce over regular block grid
    diy::RegularAllReducePartners partners(decomposer,  // diy::Decomposer object
                                           k,           // radix of k-ary reduction (default 2)
                                           contiguous); // contiguous = true: distance doubling (default true)
                                                        // contiguous = false: distance halving

    // reduction
    diy::reduce(master,                                 // diy::Master object
                assigner,                               // diy::Assigner object
                partners,                               // diy::RegularAllReducePartners object
                &foo);                                  // all-reduce operator callback function


The previous examples followed a common pattern. All-to-all is the exception. In an all-to-all reduction, each block sends and receives from every other block. Even though all-to-all is implemented with a reduction tree, it is called as if there were a single round of direct communication between all blocks. This means there is no partners object, and the callback function is written as if there were a single round with access to all blocks through the ReduceProxy. However, the radix k of the k-ary underlying implementation is still supplied (defaults to 2).

void foo(Block* b,                                          // local block
         const diy::ReduceProxy& rp)                        // communication proxy
    // outgoing
    if (rp.in_link().size() == 0)
        // enqueue data to the correct blocks
        int dest_gid = ...                                  // destination block global ID
        diy::BlockID dest = rp.out_link().target(dest_gid); // need a full BlockID; out_link targets are ordered as gids
        rp.enqueue(dest, value);
    // incoming
        for (int i = 0; i < rp.in_link().size(); ++i)
            int gid = rp.in_link().target(i).gid;
            diy::MemoryBuffer& incoming = rp.incoming(gid);
            // copy incoming to the block

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    diy::all_to_all(master,                                 // diy::Master object
                    assigner,                               // diy::Assigner object
                    &foo,                                   // all-to-all operator callback function
                    k);                                     // radix of k-ary underlying implementation (default 2)

see the example here