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Block I/O

DIY writes and reads blocks to and from storage in either collective or independent mode. The collective mode, which is the default, creates one file. Independent mode creates one file per process. These features should not be confused with the temporary block I/O that DIY does in the course of shuffling blocks in and out of core while executing the block foreach functions. This happens behind the scenes and is not the subject of the I/O module.

Collective I/O

The following functions are used to write and read blocks in parallel using MPI-IO.

  • diy::io::write_blocks()
  • diy::io::read_blocks()

Independent I/O

The following functions are used to write and read blocks serially using Posix.

  • diy::io::split::write_blocks()
  • diy::io::split::read_blocks()


An example (of collective I/O) is below:

int mem_blocks = -1;
int num_threads = 1;
diy::mpi::communicator    world(comm);
diy::Master               master(world,

// --- write ---

// the total number of blocks, tot_blocks, is set by user
diy::ContiguousAssigner assigner(world.size(), tot_blocks);

// the block_save function is unnecessary if it was defined as part of master
diy::io::write_blocks(filename, world, master, &block_save);

// --- read ---

// the number of blocks is -1 because it is determined by read_blocks()
diy::ContiguousAssigner assigner(world.size(), -1);

// the block_load function is unnecessary if it was defined as part of master
diy::io::read_blocks(filename, world, *assigner, master, &block_load);

In addition, the examples/io directory illustrates BOV (brick of values) and NumPy I/O, which is built on top of MPI-IO and MPI sub-array types. The test-io.cpp example tests the readers and writers for BOV and NumPy.