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DIY is a block-parallel library for writing scalable distributed- and shared-memory parallel algorithms that can run both in- and out-of-core. The same program can be executed with one or more threads per MPI process and with one or more data blocks resident in main memory. The abstraction enabling these capabilities is block-parallelism; blocks and their message queues are mapped onto processing elements (MPI processes or threads) and are migrated between memory and storage by the DIY runtime. Complex communication patterns, including neighbor exchange, merge reduction, swap reduction, and all-to-all exchange, are implemented in DIY.

DIY follows a bulk-synchronous processing (BSP) programming model.


A simple program snippet, shown below, consists of the following components:

  • a struct called Block,
    • contains all user-defined state related to a block
  • the diy::Master object called master,
    • master owns and manages the blocks assigned to the current MPI process.
  • user-defined callback functions performed on each block by master.foreach()
    • in this example enqueue_local() and average()
  • message exchanges between the blocks by
    • data are enqueued and dequeued to/from message queues during master.foreach() callback functions.
    // --- main program --- //

    struct Block { float local, average; };             // define your block structure

    Master master(world);                               // world = MPI_Comm
    ...                                                 // populate master with blocks
    master.foreach(&enqueue_local);                     // call enqueue_local() for each block;                                  // exchange enqueued data between blocks
    master.foreach(&average);                           // call average() for each block

    // --- callback functions --- //

    // enqueue block data prior to exchanging it
    void enqueue_local(Block* b,                        // current block
                       const Proxy& cp)                 // communication proxy provides access to the neighbor blocks
        for (size_t i = 0; i <>size(); i++)  // for all neighbor blocks
            cp.enqueue(>target(i), b->local); // enqueue the data to be sent to this neighbor
                                                        // block in the next exchange

    // use the received data after exchanging it, in this case compute its average
    void average(Block* b,                              // current block
                 const Proxy& cp)                       // communication proxy provides access to the neighbor blocks
        float x, average = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i <>size(); i++)  // for all neighbor blocks
            cp.dequeue(>target(i).gid, x);    // dequeue the data received from this
                                                        // neighbor block in the last exchange
            average += x;
        b->average = average />size();

Getting Started

More information about getting started creating blocks, assigning them to processes, and decomposing a domain can be found in the Initialization page. Complete examples of working programs can be found in the Examples page.



DIY is available on Github, subject to a variation of a 3-clause BSD license. You can download the latest tarball.

Authors Dmitriy Morozov and Tom Peterka